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My Family Dental Care
My Family Dental Care


Here are some definitions of key dental terms to help you become more familiar with dentistry and the services we provide at our offices:  

Find an Orthodontics

Orthodontict treatment is geared towards improving the positioning of the teeth, that are improperly placed which in turn mends an irregular bite. 


  • These are clear aligners that can straighten the teeth with incremental number of clear trays.

Ceramic braces

  • Tooth colored brackets with tooth colored wires to conceal the metal mouth look of regular Orthodontic braces


  • The various different wires used for moving and sliding the teeth to bring them into an ideal position in the mouth relative to each other and the skeletal components.

Band (orthodontic)

  • It is like a stainless steel jacket mostly put on the molars to avoid breakage of the regular brackets due to the heavy occlusal forces.


  • Acts like a handle on the tooth, which is used to move the tooth on the archwire with the help of elastics, and other auxiliaries like open and closed coil springs.

Ceramic brackets

  • Ceramic brackets are tooth colored brackets to avoid the metal look of the regular stainless steel braces- These are the regular braces that come in different shapes, sizes and different philosophies (active and passive).The decision of the choice of brackets is made by the Orthodontist and the patient together.


  • It is the misalignment of the teeth due to inadequate availability of the supporting basal bone. It would usually require orthopedics and/or extractions depending upon the patient’s age and facial profile.

Accelerated Orthodontics

  • It is a procedure mostly done by a periodontist to facilitate the acceleration of tooth movement. It accompanies a minimal periodontal surgical procedure to create a state of osteopenia that loosens the bone and thus helps the tooth to move around faster and easier.


  •  It is the process of taking the orthodontic braces off once the treatment is over.

Elastics (rubber bands)

  • These are one of the auxiliaries used to move the teeth on the archwire.


  • The tissue surrounding the tooth that covers the supporting bone.


  • It is an extra oral removable appliance that is worn by the patient to facilitate orthopedic or dental changes in the maxilla.

Herbst appliance

  • It is an intraoral fixed appliance that is placed in the patient’s mouth by the orthodontist to facilitate orthopedics or dental changes in both maxilla and mandible.


  • These are the part of diagnostic records for coming up to a diagnosis for orthodontic patients and accordingly devise an optimal treatment plan. Examples-Panoramic x-ray, lateral x-ray or/and a CBCT scan.


  • The inner sides of the tooth close to the tongue.

Lingual appliances

  • These are the braces on the inner side of the teeth close to the tongue that are practically concealed.

Orthognathic surgery

  • This is the surgical procedure performed by an Oral Surgeon to improve the functional and esthetic outcome of an orthodontic treatment that would otherwise be impossible to achieve by orthopedics or orthodontics alone. It is mostly done for adults.


  • It is the dept up to which the upper anterior (incisors) teeth cover the lower teeth.2 mm is ideal.


  • These are the mandatory removable/fixed appliances delivered by the orthodontist after the treatment is over to avoid shifting of teeth.


  • This is the terminal phase of orthodontic treatment in which retainers are used.

Straight wire appliance

  • This is an orthodontic philosophy which does not involve any wire bandings as all the prescriptions for tooth position are incorporated into the bracket itself.

My Family Dental Care